As winter approaches, a trusty puffer jacket becomes an indispensable item in your wardrobe. Unfortunately, over time, these jackets lose shape and warmth due to compression and the day-to-day use. If your puffy jacket is flat and lifeless then, there is no need to despair! In this blog, we are going to tell you how to repuff your puffy jacket and rejuvenate it in terms of insulation and comfort. Whether you would like to revive a previously much-loved piece, or keep a newer item in top shape, these useful hints will make sure that your puffy jacket is primed to battle the cold in style.
Run Down of the Method
– Wash it on a delicate wash
– Use Tumble Dryer
– Add Dryer balls or Tennis balls to the dryer
– No Tumble Dryer option is Air drying
– Squeeze as much moisture out by hand (being careful not to wring out the jacket)
– Place the jacket on a hanger and leave in a cool, dry place
– Every 30 minutes you should take it down off the hanger and fluff it a little by hand
– Repeat this step every half hour or so until it is completely dry

The Method
Wash it First
The first port of call when it comes to improving the puff on your jacket is to ensure you wash it first. And it’s important to make sure you wash according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Washing is an important step because it allows you to keep things clean, and gets rid of any bacteria the coat might have come into contact with during the winter.
A normal setting on the machine will be fine, and you should make sure you don’t turn the jacket inside out before washing it. We recommend using a delicate or down-specific detergent in order to protect the puffiness of the jacket whilst still cleaning it in the process. There are some other steps that you should be looking at improving upon when you are trying to keep it clean, but giving it a wash is just the first step in the process.
Tumble Dryer
One of the easiest methods for repuffing your puffer jacket is to use a tumble dryer. So, there are a couple of things you could use to help you make the most of this, and the first thing to remember is that you have to use the lowest possible heat setting in order to protect the material and especially the down. Before you start the machine, there are a couple of things you can do to make sure your puffer jacket puffs up in the best possible way:
Dryer balls
A great way of getting the most out of this is to make sure you use dryer balls, and you should look to add some to the load before you turn it on. There are a few options to consider here, and it is important to make sure you choose high-quality options. KinTor Wool Dryer balls would be an excellent choice, and they are reusable too. The balls bounce around the drum along with the puffer and help to fluff it back to shape.
Tennis balls

If you find yourself unable to get hold of dryer balls, or you just want to save a bit of money, then tennis balls are a great alternative. They do a perfectly good job of giving the puff back to your puffer jacket. Tennis balls bounce around, constantly hitting the jacket during the drying process, and helping to fluff it in the same way you keep a pillow fluffed by hitting it.
No Tumble Dryer?
If you don’t have a tumble dryer, there is still something that you can do in order to keep the jacket nicely puffed-up. Air drying your puffer is a good way of being able to achieve this, and you can get just as good results as you can by using the tumble dryer, so this is definitely something to bear in mind.
The best way to start is to make sure you squeeze as much moisture out as you can by hand, being careful not to wring out the jacket. Place the jacket on a hanger and leave in a cool, dry place to start air drying. Every 30 minutes you should take it down off the hanger and fluff it a little by hand, to ensure it maintains shape and puffiness. Repeat this step every half hour or so until it is completely dry – this could take a few hours, so it’s a bit more involved than using a tumble dryer.
Puffer Jacket Care & Maintenance
Owning an item of clothing you wear frequently, or something that has a practical purpose, means you should be looking to maintain and preserve the quality of that item more generally. When it comes to your puffer jacket, here are a couple of tips you can and should be using make it last as long as possible – beyond just repuffing:
Clean semi-frequently
One of the most important steps to take when trying to maintain a great puffer jacket is to make sure you keep yours clean on a fairly frequent basis. There are lots of options here, and often a wipe down will do; you won’t always necessarily have to put it in the washing machine.

Avoid storing in bags for a long time
When you are trying to store your puffer jacket you should avoid keeping it stored in a bag, or any compressed state, for too long. This can lead to it becoming flattened and it may negatively impact the down inside. The shape of the jacket can be affected by this, and that’s why you must take steps to store the jacket properly, to maintain its shape as much as possible.
Use it, don’t abuse it
If you’re going hiking and expecting ‘rough and ready’ conditions, consider whether your down jacket is the best choice. Rips, snags, rain, snow and generally harsh conditions will all have a cumulative detrimental effect on your puffer jacket over time. Of course, a jacket is there to be used, but it’s always worth considering – before you set out – whether what you’re intending to wear is the most suitable option for the conditions.
Ready for your next hike?
As you can see, these are some of the key things to keep in mind when you’re looking to repuff you puffer jacket and keep it in good condition. There are plenty of ideas that play a part in helping with this, and – with just a little regular care – your puffer jacket can give you faithful service for years to come!
That’s all for now folks. I hope you enjoyed this guide on how to repuff a puffer jacket. Got any great tips for puffer jacket care? Let us know in the comments! And don’t forget to check out the rest of our blog for more tips, tricks, and gear reviews from the trail. Bye for now!