Howdy folks. Today on the blog, we’re looking at the Unigear hydration pack. Unigear is an outdoor gear brand that I’ve not tried before, so I was eager to take a look at some of their stuff and see how it holds up. And I hadn’t done a hydration pack review yet either, so I thought – why not!
Hydration packs are handy for when you need a quick drink of water during a hike. If you’re using walking poles or scrambling (in the case of a mountain climb), you can take a sip hands-free, instead of having to stop and grab a bottle of water from your backpack. Even if you have use of your hands, some backpacks can be a little awkward to reach the pocket on, and some folks may just not want to stop anyway.
There are a few of these hydration packs on the market, each with their own differences. Here’s a brief review of my time using the Unigear hydration pack!
The Unigear hydration pack is made of splash-resistant nylon. It’s got adjustable straps, including a waist and chest strap to keep it from bouncing. Its water bladder can contain up to 2 litres/70oz, which is a pretty decent capacity. The dimensions are 16.5 x 8 x 6 inches and you can order it in several colors including red, blue, orange, grey, and black.
Compared to hydration packs of similar quality, the Unigear is pretty good value. This is something that Unigear are good at – they tend to offer pricing slightly below that of their competitors. When buying through Unigear’s site, you also get a 60-day guarantee, so if you’re not happy with it, there’s plenty of time to return it and get your money back.
I really can’t fault the quality of this Unigear hydration pack. It’s built to be robust, and it certainly achieves that. The nylon that it’s built with is water-proof – if it rains and gets wet or the water from the bladder leaks, there won’t be any water damage. The material is also scratch and tear-resistant. If you’re hiking through a forest or clambering up some rocks, you don’t have to worry about it getting scuffed, snagging or tearing. The double built-in waist straps should extend the life of the backpack and are a nice detail.
We all know that comfort is key with any backpack. This hydration pack has adjustable straps so whatever your body size is it can pretty much be adjusted to fit. The backpack is surprisingly light even when filled up with water. As for the mouthpiece, it’s easy to access while walking – there’s a conveniently placed tube trap to keep it in place. Another notable feature is the mesh padding, which makes the backpack comfortable to wear while keeping the water in the bladder cool. I’ve taken it out for a walk on some fairly warm summer days here in the UK, and it certainly felt comfortable for me.
The Unigear hydration pack has only a small pocket on it, but that should suffice for carrying your phone and keys. There is another pocket, but that’s for containing the actual water bladder. Basically, this isn’t a backpack you’re going to want to take on a multi-day trek! But it’s a great option for a shorter day-hike. The elastic cords can also be used for stuffing in some clothes or a towel.
Cleaning these hydration packs is a task that I think many people dread. But you need not fear! How well you’re able to clean the bladder will depend a bit on what you use to clean it with. If it’s not that dirty, you may be able to just flush it out with water but if there are more stubborn build-ups of grime, you may want to consider using a solution such as soda water, lemon juice, or household bleach. It’s pretty easy to fill and refill. As for the exterior of the backpack, any dirt can be easily washed off.
Unigear Hydration Pack: The Verdict
On the whole, this is a fairly impressive hydration pack. What most impressed me about this pack is it’s durability – unless you’re intent on destroying this hydration backpack, it’s not going to break easily, making it the type of kit that you can get a lot of use out of. The array of straps offer a lot of support to keep the backpack from bouncing up and down and their adjustability makes it easy to get a comfortable fit.
The water bladder is a decent size and is fairly easy to clean. You won’t fit a lot in its small front pocket, but Unigear makes no attempts to sell this product as a multi-day backpack. But, if you’re planning a short hike and nothing else, it’s definitely a great option! Overall, my first experience with Unigear products gave me a very positive impression.
That’s about all for this week folks. I hope you enjoyed this Unigear hydration pack review. Don’t forget to leave us a comment if you’ve used this pack, and let us know what you thought! You can also check out the rest of our blog for more tips, tricks, and gear reviews from the trail.